Item 3b – Land at Former Fawley Power Station, Fawley Road, Fawley, SO45 1TW (Application 24/11096)

A) 1 additional representation received from local resident:

·         The conditions set out in the report are acceptable for planning permission to be granted.

·         States that JHS logistics subcontract out of hours haulage to other companies.

·         Queries why JHS are allowed to operate for longer hours than SJG.

·         Concerns that conditions may not be complied with.

·         Residents survey from 5pm to 11pm on Friday 7th February, 12 noon to 8pm on Saturday 8th February and 8am to 10.30pm on Sunday 9th February counted 22 container trucks on the Friday (mainly south-bound), 11 on the Saturday (mainly south-bound) and 10 on the Sunday (mainly north-bound), with those that could be identified belonging to JHS Logistics.

B) Health & Safety Executive: consultation response received – do not advise against granting of planning permission.  


Item 3c – Land at Former Fawley Power Station, Fawley Road, Fawley, SO45 1TW (Application 24/10861)

A)           1 additional representation received from local resident:

·         The conditions set out in the report are acceptable for planning permission to be granted.

·         Notes that SJG are still operating from their site in Marchwood and believes that many stored vehicles are not electric but have internal combustion engines.

·         States that SJG logistics subcontract out of hours haulage to other companies.

·         Concerns that conditions may not be complied with.

·         Residents survey from 5pm to 11pm on Friday 7th February, 12 noon to 8pm on Saturday 8th February and 8am to 10.30pm on Sunday 9th February counted 22 container trucks on the Friday (mainly south-bound), 11 on the Saturday (mainly south-bound) and 10 on the Sunday (mainly north-bound), with those that could be identified  belonging to JHS Logistics. 

B) Health & Safety Executive: consultation response received – do not advise against granting of planning permission.